How To Make Homemade Ointment To Improve Sleep Quality

For our body to be well both physically and psychologically, it is necessary to have a good quality of sleep, not less than 8 hours a day without interruptions.

Although we usually ignore it, during the rest period some vital functions are activated that, among other things, regulate the production of hormones, brain health and metabolism.

Although we are used to reducing the period of sleep because we consider it harmless, the truth is that, over time, some unwanted reactions occur that affect the quality of life.

In fact, these disorders immediately cause episodes of fatigue, difficulties in concentrating, and strong anxiety that leads to overeating.

Therefore, the ideal is to know how to identify the problems that prevent you from sleeping well and, in turn, find a timely solution to deal with them.

Among the natural remedies we find a homemade ointment that, due to its combination of ingredients, helps to achieve a deep and optimal rest.

In the next space we will tell you what it is about and how to make it by following a few simple steps.

Homemade ointment to improve sleep quality

To sleep

Although sleep disorders are generally combated with sedative drinks and some medications, there are alternative methods that can solve them without exposing the health to adverse reactions.

The natural ointment that we want to propose is characterized by a pleasant and relaxing aroma. After being applied, it stimulates the secretion of hormones that are responsible for improving the quality of night’s rest.

It is obtained from the combination of healthy ingredients such as coconut and olive oil. Both are recognized for their moisturizing, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties.

These, added to the benefits of beeswax and essential oil of orange and lavender, provide a unique experience of relaxation that facilitates falling asleep.

What is the best coconut oil

Its high content of essential fatty acids, high-quality proteins and minerals are easily absorbed through the pores of the skin. Giving you extra hydration and nutrients that prevent the appearance of blemishes.

As if that were not enough, its active compounds help relax muscles and joints, which is key to a rest without interruptions.

It can even be used as a remedy against the dreaded night cramps, since they activate circulation in the legs and reduce their recurrence.

How to prepare this homemade ointment to sleep better?


The therapeutic ointment for better sleep can be made at home by following a few very simple steps and using some ingredients that are easily purchased in herbal and cosmetic stores.

The combination of aromas in this product is a great help to relax the body, so it is advisable to buy the best quality ones.

While there are low-cost, refined presentations, especially coconut and olive oil, it is best to buy the 100% organic versions to get all their benefits.

In addition, essential oils should not be confused with simple essences, since the latter only have aromatic power.


  • ½ cup of coconut oil (100 g)
  • ½ cup of olive oil (100 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of grated beeswax (45 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of lavender essential oil (5 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of orange essential oil (5 g)
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon essential oil (2 g)


  • Add the coconut oil to a heat-resistant container and melt it in a double boiler.
  • Add the olive oil and beeswax. Leave it on low heat until all the components begin to integrate.
  • When it is completely melted, stir with a wooden utensil and remove it from the heat.
  • Before it solidifies, add the essential oils and make sure to combine them well with the melted mixture.
  • Pour the product into an airtight glass jar and, when it acquires a creamy texture, proceed to apply it.

Application mode

  • To avoid sleep interruptions, take a small amount of the ointment and gently rub it into your feet.
  • Cover them with some socks and rest.
  • If you like, apply a little more to areas like the chest and back for a more relaxing experience.
  • In fact, you can rub it with your fingertips on your temples to relieve stress and headaches.

Go ahead and prepare this wonderful product at home and have a good solution on hand to sleep better, especially when insomnia strikes you.

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