How To Manage Stress Properly

Managing stress can become very complicated and can turn into a vicious cycle that, paradoxically, generates more stress.

Although a certain level of  stress is considered beneficial to produce energy charges that help overcome difficult situations, such as an exam or responsibilities at work or home, if it is not controlled and becomes chronic, it can be harmful .

Fortunately, there are techniques and habits to control it and prevent it from paralyzing us, making us react uncontrollably or causing us anxiety and even physical discomfort.

Stress problems


Dr. Hans Selye identified 3 stages of stress that define the different states that we experience when we are exposed to stressful situations:

1. The state of alarm
It is the immediate response to a dangerous or difficult situation. At that moment the heart rate increases, hormones such as cortisol are released and the body receives an energy charge of adrenaline that helps it react.

2. State of resistance
After the first impact of stress, it is normal for the body to relax and return to normal levels. However, if we do not overcome the situation that generates stress, the body remains on alert and gets used to the high levels of blood pressure and hormones.

3. State of exaltation
Stress becomes chronic and the body depletes its reserves to fight it. At this point, the impact is felt emotionally and physically with diverse reactions:

  • Exhaustion
  • Depression
  • Burnout syndrome
  • Anxiety
  • Weakened immune system
  • Gastrointestinal and cardiovascular conditions

The stressful situations sometimes invariably accompany us, but if we find a way to handle many of its negative consequences can be avoided or at the least reduced.

How to manage stress?

Woman meditating in front of a computer

The American Psychological Association considers that there are different types of stress, and that there is no uniform methodology for handling it. Each person must find their own way. The only thing that applies to everyone is finding out what causes stress so that you can reduce its influence. Here are some recommendations:

Temporarily separate yourself from the stressor

Once you’ve identified the stressful situation, set it aside within reason. It is not about avoiding a problem that you have an obligation to solve, but about giving it a break in both attention time and mental dedication.

do exercise

Woman running down the road

A study conducted with 288 families over 10 years and published in the journal Preventive Medicine showed that those who exercise reflect less anxiety and overcome the initial stages of stress more easily than those who do not practice any physical activity.

These are the product of various reactions that occur in the body when exercising.

  1. The body releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers produced by our body.
  2. Hormonal activity is reduced with exercise, so less cortisol is released, which is a stimulant of stress.
  3. Exercise facilitates sleep, so the body and mind have more rest.

A daily exercise routine, such as walking, dancing, or biking, for example, will help you manage stress.

Practice yoga

Within exercise routines, few are as effective as yoga when it comes to stress. In addition to the benefits of exercise explained above, studies such as the one published in 2015 in the Journal of Psychiatric Research have shown that yoga works as an antidepressant and anxiolytic, in addition to relaxing the mind.

Additionally, yoga promotes concentration, so it will help to mentally separate yourself from the cause of stress. Find a suitable place and dedicate a few minutes a day to practice it and disconnect.

Meditate to manage stress

Woman practicing meditation at home.

Meditation also helps the body and mind relax. The focus on your breath or environment will force you to momentarily move away from the problem causing your stress and can give you a new perspective.

To manage stress: try natural relaxants

Infusions of natural herbs such as valerian, green tea or lemon balm could have positive effects in reducing stress.

Do fun activities with family or friends

Group of friends chatting

Any additional activity that helps clear your thoughts is helpful in managing stress. Focusing on something other than problems will give your mind and body a valuable break. If this activity is fun it will be more helpful, as  laughter helps to release stress.

You can also do other activities that give your mind and body a break. Listen to music, visit new places in the company of friends or family, practice a hobby such as painting, writing or doing crafts. Thus, doing different and entertaining things will take you out of trouble.

If none of these things work, professional help is always a good solution. A therapist is prepared to treat stress problems and to guide you in the best way to overcome it.

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