Know The Properties Of Vegetables According To Their Color

Vegetables are one of the types of foods that have the most properties. What many people do not know is that its benefits or contributions to health can vary depending on its color.

Here we bring you precisely this information. These are the properties of vegetables according to the coloring they present. So you can include them in the diet knowing the benefits they present.

White vegetables

White vegetables are normally high in potassium. Potassium is a mineral that the body needs for its proper functioning.

This is responsible for preventing biological functions as fundamental as they are: the production of proteins, the breakdown of carbohydrates and growth. These types of foods contain phytochemicals. This is precisely what it does is help reduce blood cholesterol levels. White vegetables also help regulate blood pressure, preventing it from spiking.

Purple vegetables


Purple vegetables are a source of antioxidants, making them perfect for fighting aging throughout the body, according to a study published in Neuroscience . Consumed regularly, they provide great benefits to the body.

  • Eggplant water recipe

To make a delicious eggplant water, you need a medium-sized one, peel it, wash it and cut it into cubes. Place it in a half-liter jug ​​of water, add the eggplant in turn. Let it sit overnight. The next day serve it cold and with a little lemon juice. It is recommended to take it before lunch and dinner, for a week.

Green vegetables

Green vegetables are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C. This makes them perfect for strengthening the immune system and keeping defenses high. In addition, they contain vitamin K. This vitamin is responsible for promoting good blood clotting and strengthening bones.

As if all this were not enough, these vegetables also contain high doses of lutein. Lutein is an antioxidant that supports eyesight. In addition, they are a good source of potassium and folic acid, which is why they favor the growth and regeneration of tissues.


Carrots to raise platelets

Orange vegetables are good for the eyes. They are high in beta-carotene, so they have been shown to be an essential nutrient source for the skin. For example, if you are going to expose your dermis to the sun, it is advisable that you consume carrots, to obtain that skin tone you want. They are also rich in vitamin C, which is why they are ideal for strengthening the immune system.

Red vegetables

Tomato Relief Bug Bite

Red vegetables, including peppers and tomatoes, are rich in lycopene and anthocyanins. These substances are two very convenient compounds for the body. As if this were not enough, if you take these vegetables you will promote the cell regeneration of the body and prevent the degeneration of vital organs, as long as you consume them regularly and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Gather the best of each vegetable with this carrot and tomato juice


  • 1 apple.
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 ripe tomato
  • 1 glass of water.
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.


Carrot, radish and watercress juice

  • The first thing to do is wash the apple, tomatoes and carrots well. When everything is very clean, proceed to cut the apple and remove its seeds. Repeat the process with the tomatoes.
  • Then you must cut them into several pieces so that they can be liquefied more easily.
  • Place all the ingredients in the blender, in addition to the glass of water. Blend and go. Before taking it, add a splash of lemon juice.
  • Adding an ice cube will make it even more palatable. A very healthy way to take care of yourself.

Thanks to this juice you will obtain the amounts of vitamin C, A, B, D, K, antioxidants, and minerals that the body needs. This drink is also rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, and arginine. This recipe stands out for the large amount of phenolic compounds, malic, citric and oxalic acids that it is capable of providing.

With this juice you can help eliminate toxins much more easily. So do not hesitate, do it at home and benefit from all its properties.

Include vegetables of different colors in the diet

When planning a healthy diet, it is essential to guarantee the presence of vegetables. It is always a good idea to include products of different colors and in different ways of preparation. This way we make sure that essential nutrients for the functioning of the organism are not lost. Accompany these foods with a product with a high protein content to obtain a balanced and healthy nutrition. If you have more questions, go to a professional in the sector, who will offer you advice on how to get the most out of your vegetables.

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