Make Peace With Yourself Again

I want to make it up to myself again. Because I have hurt myself so much and have been carried away by so many confusing messages that, in the end, I have become my own worst enemy.

Just by going out into the street, we are faced with a series of advertisements, advertisements and posters that urge us to be thinner, to camouflage wrinkles, to show off thicker hair … What if we have a few extra kilos deep wrinkles and little hair? Well, we will feel bad, sad for being who we are and, sometimes, we will even feel sorry.

However, that is a reality that is presented to us, but it is up to us to consider it true or not. You just have to look at other cultures to see that the canons of beauty are different. Why do we stubbornly empower something that changes over time and is honestly quite unreal and difficult to achieve?

The well of perfection

love yourself

We can consider the search for perfection, understood as the scope of that model that society imposes on us, as a well in which we increasingly immerse ourselves. There is no end, there is no possible way out. Because everywhere they send us messages to which we give an exaggerated credibility about weights, height, beauty …

We can get up very happy in the morning, be very happy with the person we see in the mirror, but what we see when we leave home, criticism, rejection … All this will cause us sadness and frustration.

We tend to seek the approval of others, fit in so that society accepts us. Although authenticity and difference may not yet have the required visibility, it is important to learn to stop comparing yourself.

  • We cannot pretend to have thinner legs if, due to our constitution, ours are rather wide.
  • Let us avoid pretending to be what we are not, nor consider true that canon of beauty that, in reality, over time has been quite modified.
  • We only have to look at past times what the people of the time were like and the ideal of beauty that was then considered. Have we really not learned yet not to get carried away by this?

Making amends is possible

It is not impossible to make peace with yourself, stop blaming yourself in vain and start seeing yourself as someone unique, unrepeatable and full of good things.

Is it true that we are struck by that person who does not care to be the way they are? Thus, unique, it is how it stands out the most and does not mind being rejected, because its authenticity attracts people who are worth it.

It is a free way to hurt ourselves and not be happy. However, we deserve to enjoy life without stopping before these purely aesthetic questions.

Making peace with ourselves not only has to do with the superficial, but with all the beliefs that also haunt us and many of which have been installed very strongly in our minds.

For example, that tendency not to say “no” because we should be kind to others or the fact that we consider that love implies suffering are false.

Fallacies that immerse us in harmful relationships and that make us live in situations in which we do not feel comfortable. But it’s what they taught us and we’ve given it incredible credibility.

To do?

It is important to learn to question everything and to open our eyes to the true reality, not to the one that others want to idealize and present. Thus, it is possible to make peace with our true self, undoing everything that we had believed to be true and that has made life difficult for us.

It is time to free ourselves from this great burden, to stop blaming ourselves, to want to resemble someone else. Let’s start worrying about bringing out who we really are.

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