Oral Infections Affect The Heart

Although a priori it may seem to us that there is no relationship between the mouth and the heart, there is a direct connection between them through blood circulation. That is why we know that oral infections are capable of causing cardiovascular problems.

This is a warning for the general population, but especially for patients with a history of cardiac events. In them the risk is greater, and the care of oral hygiene is part of the prevention of their relapses.

Oral health and heart health go hand in hand

The mouth is home to an enormous diversity of microorganisms that make up the oral microbiota, such as the viridans group of streptococci. In it, bacteria are responsible for protecting this cavity from the invasion of other microbes, and even help maintain the health and integrity of our teeth.

However, if we neglect its cleanliness, this microbiota is altered, and infections by pathogens arise. Thus, diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis appear.

For years it has been seen how people who suffered from infections in the mouth ended up suffering from systemic pathologies or heart problems. This is because the mouth is bathed by a network of blood vessels that communicate with the heart.

Factors that produce oral dysbiosis

A modification in the number and microbial composition of the oral flora alters its balance, producing a dysbiosis. The commensal microorganisms of the same are not pathogens, but they contribute favoring the correct functionality of the oral cavity, as well as the development of the immune system.

Therefore, the imbalance of this microbiota leads to the appearance of infections, such as cavities or gingivitis. The persistence of chronicity, in the worst case, leads to periodontitis.

Although some of them are unavoidable, it is very important that we know what the possible causes of oral dysbiosis are:

  • Lack of hygiene
  • High sugar diet
  • Antibiotic abuse
  • Diabetes
  • Consumption of alcohol and tobacco
  • Genetic susceptibility.

Cardiovascular diseases caused by oral infections

Periodontonitis or gum disease is a pathology that affects people all over the world. It is produced by the infection of the gums that is not treated properly and in time, and can reach the bone of the teeth.

A study published in the journal Clinical Microbiology and Infection on oral infections and systemic diseases, sheds information on the risk for those with severe chronic periodontitis. They are more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis or myocardial infarction.

The case of infective endocarditis is another example of a disease caused by poor hygiene or an invasive procedure. Endocarditis is caused by infection of the lining that lines the inner part of the heart. The microorganisms that cause this disease travel through the bloodstream from other parts of the body, such as the mouth.

As we have said, most of the microbes that colonize the oral cavity are streptococci of the viridans group . Therefore, one of the origins of infective endocarditis is a bacteremia that originates during brushing or a dental process.

Prevention of oral infections

Diseases associated with oral infections are one of the main public health problems, as indicated by the World Health Organization. Therefore, it is essential to control the risk factors mentioned that contribute to the appearance of infections and oral dysbiosis.

Correct use of antibiotics reduces the likelihood of bacteraemia causing infective endocarditis. In fact, patients included in the risk group for this disease should undergo prophylactic antibiotics before undergoing a dental procedure.

Among the different measures that we can recommend to maintain the health of your mouth, good hygiene is essential and, without a doubt, the most effective.

Like going to the dentist regularly and getting a dental cleaning. If you are a person with a high probability of getting cavities or gingivitis, the visits should be less spaced.

dental visits

Oral infections are a heart problem

As we have seen , there is a close relationship between the mouth and the heart. In the oral cavity, pathologies can occur ranging from mild infections, such as tooth decay, to more serious ones, such as periodontitis.

This is due to the large number of microorganisms that colonize the surfaces of the mouth, and although most are beneficial, we must always keep a control of the bacterial population to avoid problems. In this way, we will be able to prevent heart disease.

Finally, let us remember that not everyone knows the oral-cardiac relationship that we have discussed here, so making the population aware of the seriousness of this situation should also be part of a plan that promotes good oral hygiene practices.

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