Overweight And Intoxicated Colon: Tips For Its Treatment

Is there a relationship between weight and an intoxicated colon? Well, the answer to this question can be controversial. The reason is that there is still not enough scientific evidence to affirm that the accumulation of waste in the colon can affect being overweight.

Nor has there been strong evidence on the effectiveness of ‘detox’ or cleansing plans. Despite this, many people have decided to take certain measures to detoxify this organ, considering that it positively influences weight loss.

And, as long as it is accompanied by a balanced and healthy diet, detoxification supplements can support processes such as digestion, proper liver function and other key functions for metabolism. You want to know more? 

What does an intoxicated colon have to do with being overweight?

Being overweight, like obesity, usually occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits. In turn, genetic, emotional and environmental factors may be involved. In fact, some cases are the consequence of other diseases. So … How does the intoxicated colon influence?

As we said at the beginning, it is a very controversial relationship. An intoxicated colon is said to lead to numerous health problems, including metabolism difficulties. Due to the accumulation of toxins, digestion slows down and it is more difficult to process and eliminate fats.

This also leads to problems such as constipation, a condition that appears to increase the chances of being overweight, according to some research. On the other hand, the accumulation of waste in the colon can cause an increase in:

  • Abdominal swelling
  • Gas accumulation.
  • Food anxiety
  • Microbiota imbalance.
  • Weakening of the immune system.
  • Slow digestion
  • Bad taste in the mouth and halitosis.

Tips to cleanse the colon and fight overweight

First of all, it is essential to clarify that, due to the lack of scientific evidence, plans to detoxify the colon can have different results in each person. Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences, these should be taken with caution, preferably with medical authorization.

The professional, among other things, has the powers to determine if there is an underlying disease that should be addressed in another way. In the meantime, if it’s only mild waste accumulation poisoning, a number of tips can be put into practice.

These allow to stimulate the elimination of retained toxins and, in turn, promote weight loss. In fact, it is advisable to practice it before starting a diet for weight loss purposes. Of course, they must be accompanied by other good habits such as a balanced diet and physical activity.

1. Fasting

There are 5 very suitable infusions to cleanse and revitalize the colon that will go very well after your lunches. Its properties help improve digestion and, in turn, act on the balance of intestinal bacteria. They even have components that are good for metabolism.

Take note of these medicinal plants:

  • Mint.
  • Thyme.
  • Sage.
  • Anise.
  • Chamomile.
  • Ginger.
  • Turmeric.

5. A remedy to strengthen and purify the colon

nopal and orange

Take note of this medicinal recipe that you should take twice a week,  in the morning or in the afternoon. It is a smoothie as delicious as it is medicinal.


  • A nopal leaf.
  • The juice of an orange.
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera (20 grams).
  • A glass of water (200 ml).


  • We will start by cooking the nopal leaf with the aloe vera. To do this, when the water is boiling, add that tablespoon of the aloe vera gel and the nopal and let them cook for about 20 minutes.
  • After that time, we turn off the heat and now add the orange juice.
  • Next step? Take all this mixture to the blender to get a very homogeneous smoothie.
  • Finally, you can add, if you wish, a little honey. You will see how good it suits you!

6. Beware of these aspects

There are a number of details that you must eliminate from your life to combat being overweight and improve the health of that intoxicated colon. It is not just about improving your diet, we are also talking about our emotional world. Take note:

  • Manage your emotions, anxiety, worries and stress properly, since they directly affect the function of many of our organs such as the colon or liver.
  • Improve your lifestyle habits, go for a half hour walk every day, make sure your relationships are always positive, put aside those toxic friendships.
  • Lastly, cut out fats, sugars, and convenience foods from your life: they are poorly processed, inflamed, and sick.


Although there is no clear relationship between an intoxicated colon and being overweight, interesting benefits can be obtained with a “cleansing” of this organ. This is based especially on ingesting some supplements that facilitate the elimination of waste. It must be accompanied by good habits, including those that improve emotional health.

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