Play Sports Accompanied Or Practice It Alone

Surely you have ever heard the phrase “healthy body, healthy mind.” This dates from the second century and refers to the cultivation of the body that results in a healthy mind. Playing sports accompanied or alone, leads us to achieve that balance between body and mind.

Without a doubt, there is no better way to enjoy life than to be in full health. We must plan our days by setting aside time in our daily routine to exercise. Thus, we will help our body to stay in shape on the outside and in good working order on the inside.

When deciding to practice sports for our well-being, we must take into account whether we prefer to do it alone or accompanied, or alternate depending on the day. For this we must take into account certain advantages and disadvantages.

Play sports alone

practice sports alone


  • Greater concentration: When we do our individual training we have fewer distractions and our mind is focused only on our routine. We also focus on performing the exercise correctly, so we are attentive to how we perform each movement. In addition, we respect the rest times.
  • More organization: We elaborate our daily or weekly routine based on the needs of our sporting objective. In this way, we will  achieve our physical or technical improvement without depending on others.
  • Less waiting time: When we go out to train alone, we start practicing directly without delay when we arrive at our training place.


  • Difficulty progressing: There are exercises that require help or support to give the maximum when practicing sports. Alone it is almost impossible to perform some exercises with a certain intensity.
  • It is easy to get stuck: It is very likely not to advance in the routine and improvement of the techniques if we do not have someone to tell us where we are failing and how to correct it.
  • Boredom: Mentally it is more exhausting and many end up abandoning the activity because the work gets heavier, especially on days when we are not very animated or do not have motivation.

Play sports accompanied

practice sports accompanied


  • More dynamic: When we train in a group, boredom stays away. We share with other people and we can exchange techniques. Thus the training time becomes fun and enjoyable.
  • Greater motivation: By practicing sports with others, other people can encourage us to do exercises that are difficult for us. In this way, we realize that we can move forward and we are able to improve ourselves.
  • Mutual help and progression: The partners help each other to correct postures and thus improve techniques. There are also exchanges of tips and ideas that help us progress.
  • Social interaction: It favors social integration by approaching new spaces with people with a common interest. This is how healthy human relationships are created.


practice sports accompanied

But, in turn, there are a number of disadvantages that make teamwork less productive.

  • Easy distraction: If we are going to practice sports accompanied, conversations that do not have to do with training can be generated. In this way,  the moments of rest are made longer.
  • Technique errors: Just as the partner who encourages you is, the partner who is at a level below yours may also be and may not make corrections. Or, worse still, tell you that something you are doing right is wrong and make you doubt. We must be very attentive to this.
  • Long waits: When the training group is large in number, the time to reach our turn can be very long and the activity is dispersed. It is better to train with a dynamic group that does not take time.


On the one hand, practicing sport accompanied or alone provides an integral benefit for the human being, as long as we choose one that we like and for which we have no limitations. We can try various sports until we find the one that is right for us.

warm up before doing sports

On the other hand, on a mental level, tensions are relieved by releasing the stress to which we are subjected daily. It also increases our self-esteem and our memory capacity. This is due to the production of different hormones, including endorphins, which are released during physical activity, giving us a feeling of well-being and security.

Sport also helps fight addictions such as smoking and alcoholism. At the body level, it contributes to weight control, joint care, muscle strengthening and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Get away from a sedentary lifestyle and add a sport to your daily routine, it does not matter if you do it alone or with someone.

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