Remedy With Fennel, Anise And Mint To Take Care Of Your Kidneys

This simple remedy with fennel, anise and mint can be a fabulous way to take care of your digestion, your intestines and even your kidney health.

It is worth a try. This delicious infusion, while relaxing, is ideal if you take it every day after your main meal of the day.

As we already know, the therapeutic world of medicinal plants offers us a thousand and one possibilities. 

However, something that should be remembered is that there are people who find this type of infusions more useful and others who, on the other hand, do not usually see too many benefits.

The truth is that when we look for some natural treatment to take care of our digestions and kidney function, both anise and mint are a very suitable option in most cases.

All you have to do is try this infusion for 7 or 10 days.  Little by little you will notice less heaviness when digesting, less flatulence, a diuretic effect and a much clearer urine.

Next, we delve a little deeper into this remedy, hoping, as always, that it will be of great help to you.

Fennel, anise and mint: well-being for your body



Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Miller)  is used throughout the world to make such common products as mouthwashes, toothpastes or the classic antacids.

It is also a common ingredient when making desserts or even medicinal soups. However, all the virtues of this plant are concentrated in its essential oils :

  • Fennel will help us regulate hypertension, a risk factor for the health of our kidneys.
  • Likewise, frequently drinking an infusion made from fennel will allow us to enjoy its diuretic effect every day, something essential to purify toxins and take care of our kidney health.

    The anise plant and its sedative effect


    You will find dry anise ready to infuse in any store specializing in natural remedies and treatments. Not only will it give our drink that sensational touch, that pleasant flavor, but also, the anise gives us a suitable sedative effect, perfect for after our meals.

    •  Above all, this infusion based on fennel, mint and anise has excellent cleansing qualities.
    • We will better filter toxins, take the load off the kidneys and optimize their function thanks to its minerals and antioxidants.
    • The essence of anise, anethole, is what gives it that pleasant smell and which, in turn, reduces the pain associated with digestion or urinary discomfort by also treating infections.

      Mint, always healthy

      Mint tea

      Peppermint helps us better absorb nutrients from food through the small intestine. On the other, when combined with fennel and anise, it will reduce any type of irritation. It is a very versatile medicinal plant.

      It is interesting to also know that peppermint is a powerful antioxidant. If we take this remedy regularly, we will not only improve kidney function but also our liver will have a very beneficial tonic.

      How to prepare my remedy with fennel, mint and anise


      • 1 teaspoon of green anise (3 g)
      • 1 teaspoon of fennel (3.5 g)
      • 10 dried peppermint leaves (3 g)
      • 2 glasses of water (400 ml)


      The first thing we will do is choose our ingredients well. You can find them in any natural store: it will always be better to buy them in a specialized store than to resort to the classic ready-to-infuse sachets.

      • We will heat our two glasses of water, and once it starts to boil, we will add all the ingredients: anise, fennel and mint.
      • We will let it infuse between 15 and 20 minutes. After that time, we will put out the fire and let it rest.
      • Afterwards, we will only have to strain the content and keep the infused water.
      • We will have a glass after our two main meals.

      You will see how good it feels if you take it for 7 or 10 days in a row. Your digestions will give a change, you will cleanse the body better and, in addition, you will avoid many problems associated with the urinary system. Do you dare to try it today?

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