Simulate Fasting And Slow Aging With The FMD Diet

Despite its name, the intermittent fasting diet is not absolute. For 5 days a month we will focus more on the quality of micronutrients and macronutrients than on calories.

Are you one of the people who stop eating or fasting with the intention of losing weight? If so, surely you have already heard that this is negative because the body protects itself from this lack of energy by saving energy in the form of fat.  This time we will talk about the FMD diet ( Fast Mimicking Diet or Intermittent Fasting Diet) that simulates fasting but continues to provide nutrients to your body.

You will discover that the secret is knowing what to eliminate completely and how to give your body what it needs to be healthy .

Are you interested? Go for it:

Where does the FMD diet come from?

The FMD diet was created by the director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California , Dr. Valter Longo. This doctor is a serious critic of traditional diets that bet on lowering calories to lose weight.

As part of your opposition, the idea of ​​creating a regimen that reduces body fat, slows aging and improves the health of pancreatic cells was raised .

How does the FMD diet work?

Mayo Clinic Diet

This diet is based on following a semi-fasting regimen for 5 days . The rest of the month is free to eat a little of everything, but in moderation . The 5 days are organized as follows:

  • 1st day: Only 1100 calories are consumed throughout the day.
  • 2nd to 5th day: Consumption remains at 800 calories per day.

This diet pays more attention to the quality of micronutrients and macronutrients than to calories. These are just a reference point for measuring and organizing food.

In general, the diet is divided into:

  • 34% carbohydrates.
  • 10% protein of excellent quality.
  • 56% fat for the first day and 44% the other four days.

What are the effects of the FMD diet?

Next we will give you some of the effects that have been proven in those who have followed this diet. Pay attention, because they are really interesting.

Simulation fasting diet may help slow cancer progression

Characteristics of advanced cancer

Diet is known to play an important role in the development of cancer. But according to this  study  by simulating fasting, slows the growth of cancerous tumors and the progression of the disease .

The people who were part of it followed the diet for more than three weeks and made greater than expected progress in their chemotherapy.

  • At the time of implementing this diet you should take into account the recommendations of your doctor if you are under treatment for cancer.
  • In general you will not have problems, but it is important that your doctor has all the information to understand your evolution.

The FMD diet helps reduce symptoms of multiple sclerosis

It has been proven that the fasting simulation diet generates beneficial effects against the symptoms of multiple sclerosis after three cycles, that is, three months. This effect is also reflected in the reduction of inflammation, corticosteroid levels and cytokine levels.

It is important to remember that multiple sclerosis is not a problem that can be reversed. However, you can work on avoiding their advances.

By following the fasting simulation diet continuously you promote the general regeneration of your body

Is your health bad and you are consuming more and more medications? Do you feel low on energy all the time? Do you visit several doctors and do not see improvements?

In that case, you should know that this diet will help you improve the health of your body in general. Between the effects that have been verified with this regimen are:

  • You will have greater resistance to stress and its effects on your body due to the nutrients you are obtaining.
  • It will decrease the size of some organs that are inflamed.
  • Cells throughout your body will be able to regenerate and new ones of better quality will be created.
  • Your bone density will be less affected over the years.
  • You will reduce the risk of developing cancer.
  • Your cognitive skills will improve.
  • You will have better control over your serum glucose levels if you are diabetic and you will avoid problems if you are currently at risk.
  • You will reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

What do you think? Do you think intermittent fasting is worth a try? If you are thinking of trying it, consult your doctor first and follow all his instructions.

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