The 3-day Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

According to beliefs, the acidity of apple cider vinegar would help “burn” fat and thus help lose weight. However, health professionals indicate that this is a myth.

After the holidays, many people feel heavier. Not only because they had a copious meal, but also because they may have gained a few extra pounds. This becomes something normal, since in the celebrations there is a tendency to commit excesses. In these cases, many people consider adopting plans to “cleanse” and lose weight. One of the most popular is the apple cider vinegar diet.

Next, we will tell you more about this proposal, how it is carried out, its supposed benefits and what the risks are. We will also tell you what is the opinion of health experts in this regard.

We must assume the consequences of excesses

Christmas excesses take their toll every year. Bloating, heaviness, fluid retention and other discomforts are present and it is possible that a few extra pounds have also been gained.

So, it is normal for people to consider looking for some method to “counteract” the excesses and their respective consequences.

The problem is that most of the methods that are proposed are not healthy. On the contrary, they are proposals that pose various health risks. Aitor Sánchez, an expert in Nutrition, points out that “miracle” diets are especially dangerous. 

From the point of view of experts, when we want to lose weight and improve eating habits after a season of excesses, the best thing to do is consult a nutritionist and start adopting a more active lifestyle, away from sedentary lifestyle.

On the other hand, they point out that the ideal would be to avoid excesses. It is not about having a restrictive diet, but about learning to maintain moderation so as not to suffer the consequences of lack of control later. Not only in terms of alcoholic beverages, but also in terms of food.

The apple cider vinegar diet

Apple cider vinegar with water.

There are those who claim that apple cider vinegar is a sufficiently acidic liquid that, upon entering the body, it helps to “burn the fats” that have accumulated in it. They also consider that it “accelerates the metabolism” and helps to purify the body in general.

The key to this diet is to dilute a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and drink it half an hour before each meal.

It is said that for it to be a really effective drink, it would have to be “raw”, that is, not pasteurized, following the ancient method of production. In this way, it would also bring more benefits. It is also said that if the vinegar is organic, its benefits would be even greater.

On the other hand, during the 3 days that the apple cider vinegar diet is followed, certain foods should be avoided, such as:

    • Dairy products.
    • Red meats and sausages.
    • Refined flours and all kinds of pastries.
    • Fried foods and saturated fat in general.
    • Sugars and sweeteners.

Junk food.

Although all this may sound very promising and easy to take advantage of, apple cider vinegar is not capable of providing such benefits. When it enters the stomach, it passes through the digestive system, irritating and damaging it. It does not “burn” any fat, but rather, the entire digestive tract. 

What to do then?

To begin to counteract the excesses committed at parties, it is necessary to go for the safest (and healthiest) thing both in the short and long term: to improve life habits, progressively.

Keep in mind that it is not possible to lose weight in a healthy way in hours or days.

If we want to enjoy well-being, it is best to choose to implement logical and consistent measures, such as starting to adopt a more active lifestyle, for example.

Instead of consuming apple cider vinegar diluted in water, it is best to consume it as usual: as part of a salad dressing.

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