The Benefits Of Staying Home For The Weekend

Many people believe that staying home for the weekend is just a good plan for those who do not have friends, are not sociable or may even define themselves as “boring.”

However, not going out on a Saturday or Sunday and spending hours in pajamas can have its benefits. In this article we will tell you about them.

To stay or not to stay at home for the weekend: that is the question

To stay or not to stay at home for the weekend that is the question

When was the last time you stayed home for the weekend? It can be easy to answer this question if you take into account the time of the month or the year (in winter for example).

In many cases, the decision not to leave home on Saturday or Sunday is related to an external factor (economic situation or weather) rather than to one’s own decision.

Perhaps the reasons why we want to leave the house if we are never there during the week are a bit incomprehensible. However, more and more people decide to “entrench themselves” in its four walls from Friday afternoon to Monday morning.

Why? Because they have realized that this place that seemed strange to them before is their refuge. In it we can relax, protect ourselves from problems, feel “ourselves”.

The Danes call it Hygee

The Danes have been practicing this way of life for a long time and are very comfortable with it. They call it “Hygge” and it is based on staying home on the weekend or after work to enjoy personal relationships, rest and home comforts.

This trend goes beyond not leaving the home, since the environment decoration sector has benefited greatly. That’s how it is. We look for those elements and furniture that allow us to spend those 48 hours as comfortable as possible, pleasing all the senses.

Staying home for the weekend will make you happier

Staying home for the weekend will make you happier

Until a few years ago, people who had no activities outside the home panicked about missing social events. This habit gave way to two others: the first, in which we are happy not to participate in these events and the second, involves not wanting to go out for anything in the world. Why the change?

It can be caused by the body’s need for rest. Organs and cells need to be repaired and can only be done with sleep or stillness.

  • If during the week we are from here to there, it is understandable that on Saturday or Sunday we do not want to get out of bed. If our body is rested and recovered, we can say goodbye to excessive levels of stress and all the consequences that it brings.
  • Doing enjoyable activities at home can help us relax (for example, cooking, gardening, reading, or taking a nap).
  • In turn, staying indoors for the weekend can serve to forge better bonds with our loved ones who we see almost nothing Monday through Friday.

Being with our partner, our children or our siblings for an entire afternoon can be more beneficial than going to a party, attending a play or dining out.

Take the opportunity to change the scene and recharge batteries

There are thousands of options available so that staying home for the weekend does not become a tedium. We can even afford to get a little bored so that the brain can rest and offer new ideas.

Listen to some music, do that drawer cleaning you’ve always put off, or cook something homemade. Read that book you started and left in the middle. Or catch up on several chapters of your favorite series.


In this way you will start the following week with another attitude. You will have renewed energy and the work will not be so unbearable. Also, not going out on Saturday will affect your economy. You will save a lot of money on drinks, food, transportation and clothing.

Staying home for the weekend: don’t take it to the extreme …

But beware: this does not mean becoming a hermit. You always have the possibility to invite friends or family to your home and “meet” your social quota.

Laughing, listening to music, ordering or reading will allow you to “slow down” as a result of so many problems and obligations. You can also take the opportunity to spend some time alone with yourself, receive the affection of your pets or rest.

No one will judge you if you stay in your pajamas, if you don’t comb your hair or don’t put on makeup. You can also take the opportunity to do everything you have on the to-do list.

And, of course, that Saturday that you go out you will value it more, because it will no longer be the rule but the exception. You will enjoy it to the fullest!

It doesn’t matter if it’s hot or cold, if it’s winter or summer, or if you’ve just received your pay. Try staying home next weekend and you will see how your mood and health improve. The following Monday you will be refreshed, energized and with the best will to put up with even the most tedious boss.

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