The Best Abs Series

With these simple exercises you can work your abs to show a more toned and defined belly. Of course, make sure you are consistent in your practice.

Who would not like to show off well-defined abs and a flat stomach ? Although many of us are not fans of the abdominal series, we must know that they serve to tone and mark a somewhat “complicated” area of ​​the body.

For this reason, to show off the figure we want so much, it is worth investing efforts in this variety of exercises. Here we share the best routines to enter at home or in the gym. Put them into practice!

Sit-ups to add to your weekly workout

The goal is to do at least 3 sit-ups each week, always leaving a day of rest between each routine, in order for the muscles to recover accordingly.

Otherwise, you will saturate the area and will not achieve the desired effect. Among the abdominal exercises that you cannot miss are:

1. Crunch

The crunch is one of the best for sculpting the belly and can be practiced at home without problems, since it is simple to perform.

  • To do this, lie on your back and bend your knees.
  • Place the soles of your feet on the ground and spread them hip-width apart.
  • Interlock your fingers and put them behind your ears. Another option may be to rest your arms on your chest.

Crunch abs don’t lift your lower back off the mat. Raise your torso a little by exhaling the air and when lowering, inhale.

There are different variables to this exercise, such as crossing one knee over the other and instead of raising the body forward, it is brought up to the bent leg (then shifted to the other side).

Perform 7 sets of 10 repetitions each.

2. Vertical scissors

The vertical scissors are a type of exercise where, oddly enough,  the abs work even if they stay “still”.

  • You just have to lie on your back on the mat and stretch your legs.
  • You can place your hands on your thighs to make it easier for you.
  • Raise and lower your legs, without bending them, as if they were scissors.

    This exercise is used to work several muscles: frontal, obliques and abductors. They also work on the hamstrings, quads, and glutes.

    Perform 5 sets of 10 reps each.

    3. Bicycle

    These abs are very simple and help you get a more pronounced belly. Plus, they are great for improving coordination.

    • To perform this exercise you must lie on your back, stretch your legs and bring your hands to your ears.
    • Bend your right knee and bring it to your abdomen as you lift your torso and bring your left elbow toward your leg.
    • The left leg continues straight. The movement of the body is diagonal.
    • Lower your right leg and do the same with your left so that it touches your right elbow.

    Perform 4 sets of 10 reps each.

    4. Climbers ( mountain climbers )

    Mountain climbers means ‘mountain climbers’ and basically that is the type of movement that you will carry out. These sit-ups allow you to exercise several muscle groups and burn quite a few calories (more than the other series).

    • Rest your hands and the balls of your feet on the floor. The body is crouched and the back is semi-curved.
    • Bring your right knee towards your chest (as if you were climbing) and return to the starting position to give way to your left leg.

    The idea is to alternate the push-ups on your knees as quickly as possible, without bending your arms.

    Do 3 sets of 10 reps per leg.

    5. Front plate

    Another of the abdominal exercises that seem strange to us because the belly does not perform any movement is the front plank. It is used a lot in yoga and Pilates and is very good for having greater abdominal strength. The goal is to hold out for the longest amount of time in the same position.

    • Get face down on the mat. Support your hands, forearms, and the balls of your feet.
    • Raise your body and stay as straight as possible (your torso and legs must be aligned with the ground).

    With this exercise you will work all the muscles, not just the abs.

    Try holding for a minute, resting 30 seconds, and then doing another 60-second set.

    6. Crossfit abs

    An exercise that serves to strengthen muscle mass and at the same time gain body functionality.

    • Lie on your back, bend your legs so that the soles of your feet touch and your knees “look” to the sides. Put your arms behind your head.
    • Lift your torso and touch the balls of your feet with your hands.

    Once you have understood the technique well, you can make the series difficult: use a weight which you will carry between both hands from behind the head until resting on the floor passing the feet.

    Do 4 sets of 15 reps each.

    7. Russian turn

    It is one of the most complete abs that exist and, therefore, it cannot be missing in your exercise routine to achieve a defined abdomen.

    • To start you can not use weight, but then we recommend that you add it (it can be a disk, a dumbbell, a kettlebell or a bottle filled with sand).
    • Sit with your legs slightly bent and your torso slightly back.
    • Take your heels off the floor and take the weight with both hands.
    • Bring the weight from one side of the body to the other, while doing all the strength with the abdominals.

    Are you trying to tone your abdomen? Remember to complement the previous exercises with a cardiovascular training routine.

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