The Best Foods For Weight Loss

Losing weight is a process that depends on many factors. In fact, contrary to what many people think, diet is not the only culprit. Therefore, whenever a healthy and balanced weight is sought, it is best to consult a professional. Both doctors and nutritionists can help design the best strategies to lose weight.

Now, to complement the diet, there are certain foods whose properties have shown favorable effects when it comes to losing weight. Although they are not miraculous or produce immediate effects, their intake within a healthy eating plan can be convenient. Do you want to know them?

Cucumber for weight loss

Cucumber cut into slices.

There are no scientific studies that show that consuming cucumber helps you lose weight. However, it is a very low calorie food that has properties that could support this process. First of all, as detailed in a study published in the journal Phytotherapy , this vegetable fights swelling and has a stimulating action that helps eliminate waste from the body.

On the other hand, according to this same publication, its seeds help fight constipation, which is also favorable for improving the figure. Make sure to include it in a healthy eating plan, which includes sources of protein, carbohydrates, and fat.


Grapefruit does not melt fat as some people claim on social media and pages. However, it can be a good supplement for those looking to lose weight in a healthy way. Included in a healthy and balanced diet can be helpful in increasing feelings of fullness and reducing total calorie intake.

In a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food , 91 obese individuals were tested for 12 weeks. They were to eat fresh grapefruit before meals. In the end, the researchers found that grapefruit consumers lost up to 1.6 kg. 


Natural oat flakes in a bowl.

Oats are an excellent source of vitamin B1, selenium, manganese, iron and phosphorus and tryptophan. It also contains low-fat protein. Among other things, it provides soluble fiber, a nutrient that increases the feeling of satiety, helping to lose weight.

According to research published in the journal Nutrients , consuming whole oats can be a good selection of whole grains for overweight diabetics. Although more studies are necessary, it is considered a safe food with high nutritional value. It is worth consuming it regularly.

  • Try to include in your breakfast oatmeal mixed with non-dairy milk, or with skimmed yogurt or kefir.

Nuts for weight loss

Although their fat content is high compared to other foods, walnuts are not fattening if eaten in moderate amounts. In fact, they are a good snack to calm hunger between meals, obtaining protein, fiber and healthy fats.

Population studies have shown that eating walnuts supports metabolic health and promotes healthy weight loss, especially since they increase feelings of fullness.

Timing of food is important

Changes in lifestyle

Keep in mind that, in addition to consuming the foods described, it is important to manage your meal times correctly. Thus, eating early and having dinner early has been associated with a reduction in weight, and a lower risk of developing obesity.

Likewise, you should avoid consuming sugars at night, since the metabolic capacity of carbohydrates during this period is limited and can generate an accumulation of fat weight.

You can also try to include certain protocols in order to improve body composition, such as intermittent fasting. These must be supervised by a professional, but they are effective mechanisms to improve the state of health. Even reducing carbohydrates in the diet is another useful strategy for reducing subcutaneous fat.

Be that as it may , try to run away from miracle diets. These only put your health at risk and make you experience a subsequent rebound effect that affects the mood and functionality of the body. Therefore, losing weight is the result of a series of healthy habits maintained over time. Consistency and discipline are key in this regard. Finding shortcuts often leads to failure, so it is not advisable. Plan a medium-term program and try to meet the objectives progressively.

Include foods to lose weight in the diet

Remember that these foods are only a supplement to your weight loss plan. If you want to be at a healthy weight, be sure to follow all the recommendations of your nutritionist. Also, keep the basics in mind: healthy and balanced eating, physical exercise and avoiding bad habits such as excessive consumption of junk food, alcohol and sugar.

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