Tips You Should Know If You Like To Run

The tips you should know if you like to run depend on the training, the ideal technique, the mental strength for moments of exhaustion and the stretches that will avoid any obstacle related to injuries.

It’s no surprise how important running has become in people’s lives, as it has multiple health-promoting effects. Regarding the advantages of advancing at a high rate, we could mention toning, increasing the capacity of the lungs and a valid alternative to face stress.

Training and technique tips for running

The runner has two well-defined enemies: injury and fatigue. Despite this, there are measures we can take to minimize the risk of the first factor and the direct incidence of the second.

Prioritize appropriate clothing and footwear for running

We must start by giving the importance it deserves to footwear, since it will be the main companion in the journey. It is necessary that the shoes be light, adapt to the feet without pressing any area and are within their useful life range. Therefore, the recommendation is to make the change when they exceed between 800 and 850 kilometers traveled.

In the case of clothing, the important thing is to seek maximum comfort, lightness and favoring a comfortable temperature for exercising. In this way, having variants for each season is essential.

Reduce your stride

In order to save energy during the race, an effective technique is to reduce the length of the stride. This will compress the efforts in each advance and give more resistance to the legs. A good way to know if we are on the right track is to guide ourselves by the recommended 180 steps per minute.

Woman running and training.

Look centrally

The objective of the glance towards a centralized zone in the horizon must be maintained . In that sense, avoiding looking to the sides makes long journeys more bearable due to the perception of space.

Segment the maximum distance

Depending on the race for which you are going to compete, it is preferable that the training sessions be divided into several sections. This means that, for the preparation of a 5-kilometer competition, 1 kilometer of warm-up could be done in order to acclimatize the muscles, 3 kilometers of running and the final kilometer at a lower intensity.

Hydrate the body

Lack of hydration is one of the main reasons for decreased performance. To avoid it, the first thing is to take between 5 and 7 milliliters for every kilogram of weight 4 hours before training or competition. Later, when there are 2 hours before the beginning, between 3 and 5 milliliters per kilogram are ingested again.

Continuing with the hydration plan, immediately before the effort the body will need water within a range of 200 and 400 milliliters. In turn, during the race it will be the recommendation to return the vital liquid every 20 minutes.

Mental strength tips for a runner

Among the tips that a runner must know to reach the maximum of their potential, everything related to mental strength cannot be missing. And is that the head can be the greatest ally or the main enemy in high-demand physical activities.

Minimize the negative factor

When the best performance has not been achieved in a race or an injury is suffered, it is advisable to reduce the perception of the problem. This is achieved by giving a tinge of positivism to what happened and projecting that it will serve as learning for the future.

Look for motivation

Searching and finding the right motivation to compete is the extra that every runner needs. When locating a sense of great magnitude that serves to feed the cerebral motor, the perception of the efforts will be different.

Unify the mind with the body

This involves learning to perceive, listen and interpret the signals that the body gives when running. Although it may seem strange, in one way or another we are given clues about some physical discomfort that announces a risk of injury or about a certain practice that does not favor performance.

Isolate yourself from comparisons

The mind is capricious and tends to look for problems where there are none. In this case, the comparisons when you are trying to gain confidence, prominence and improve in the competition are not good. In fact, they can limit and frustrate you. For this reason, focus on yourself, on the virtues and what you are capable of achieving.

Internal dialogue varies

Pay special attention to how your internal dialogue is, because the way you set your objectives can lead you to an unwanted path. A specific way to do this is by changing the “I have to” to “I want to be . In this way you will be giving a strong message of improvement to your brain.

Helpful stretching exercise tips if you like to run

In order to avoid injury, stretching exercises are useful for a runner. There are two types: static and dynamic. For that reason, we present alternatives for each one to specify an integral elongation process.

Couple performs stretches to go for a run.

Leg swing (dynamic)

It is required to stand with the feet parallel and apart. Subsequently, lift one foot off the ground and make a semicircular movement in a clockwise direction. Finally, increase your speed and repeat the stretching exercise with the other leg. This alternating swing is recommended 18-20 times for each leg.

Lunge Elongation (Static)

Stand with your feet wide apart and diagonally outward. Next, bend the right knee to an intermediate level and load some of the weight to the right. This is done while the left leg is fully stretched. In turn, it must be repeated on the opposite side. It is recommended to use 3 stretches for each leg.

Quadriceps stretch (static)

A classic stretch, but also a must for runners . The first thing is to keep the torso erect while holding the right foot with the right hand, facilitated by the knee flexion. In this way it is required to maintain balance for 30 seconds. Finally, imitate the exercise with the other leg.

Short cross walk (dynamic)

As its name implies, it consists of taking short steps to the sides. In principle, you should take a step to the right with your right foot, followed by a step forward with your left foot. The steps are carried out again and the direction is changed. For the short cross walk to be effective, a fast pace of movement is required.

Hamstring stretch (static)

Among the advice if you like to run, the hamstring stretch cannot be absent. For this, the primary requirement is to sit on the floor with one leg extended and the other in a half-butterfly position.

Next, move the torso forward to try to touch the tip of the foot, without this implying that the leg is bent. With 30 seconds of tension for each leg will be enough.

Final advice if you like to run

To put the lock on the advice you should know if you like to run, we are going with some brief recommendations that include both the technique of movement and the mind. Pay attention to the following:

  • Set individual goals and don’t use comparisons to torment yourself.
  • It nurtures good eating and hydration habits before, during and after the race.
  • Don’t overdo the stretching routine as it can have a detrimental effect on performance.
  • Use motivation as your main source of energy.
  • Learn to listen to your body to avoid strain injuries.
  • Optimize your stride to increase resistance.
  • Visualize your mind and body as a team when running.

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