Ujjayi Breathing: Benefits And How To Do It

According to experts, ujjayi breathing is similar to a massage for the internal organs. It brings benefits on physical and emotional health. We tell you.

Have you heard of ujjayi breathing ? It is a technique or exercise from yoga that can be applied in any area of ​​life to reduce stress levels.

In general, it has many health benefits, because according to this philosophy it increases and distributes energy correctly through the throat. For yogis it is better known as the warrior’s breath .

Ujjayi is the sound produced by the contraction of the glottis while inhaling and exhaling in this technique. One of the practices that characterizes it is that the mouth always remains closed, so all the work is done from the nose. You have to know everything about ujjayi breathing!

Importance of ujjayi breathing

Mastering the art of ujjayi breathing is not only valid for yoga lovers, but it can be very important in your health if you decide to apply it in your daily life. Mind and body are energized in a particular way to achieve balance and reduce stress levels.

The online yoga school Makaranda Yoga, from Costa Rica, points out that ujjayi breathing is one of the most important and distinctive of this practice. It can be used not only with various asanas (postures), but also as a standalone technique with many physical and mental benefits.

Its name of victorious breathing is due to the fact that, during the execution, the chest expands and takes the form of a proud conqueror. As a result, we have the hissing sound that results from the small or soft friction in the throat when doing the ujjayi breath . Experts classify it as the memory of the sea breaking on a beach.

Mastering the art of inhaling and exhaling will lead to better control of emotions, in addition to increasing lung health, which will be promoted through exercises. Taking a minute during the day to do it could be beneficial.

Sea breaks on a beach like ujjayi breath.

Benefits of ujjayi breathing

As mentioned before, the benefits of ujjayi breathing are for both physical and mental health. Here we will share the ones that are most named by experts and also, anecdotally, by people who have already practiced it.

Eliminate tensions

Work and daily activities bring with them a high level of stress that ends in negative emotions. With ujjayi breathing you could access an internal state of tranquility.

Relaxation techniques include various types of breaths. These are able to control anxiety attacks that can take place for various reasons.

You can do it in the morning or at the end of the day; even in these two moments. It all depends on how comfortable you are with the results.

Lung health

With the ujjayi  breathing technique the lungs are fully expanded. At the same time, an improvement in respiratory dynamics is achieved, by the inspiration and expiration exercise itself.

Beyond the emotional or spiritual benefits, victorious breathing would help you enjoy what it is like to breathe well. The great expansion that is achieved increases the distension of the muscles involved.

Better posture

When you have been practicing ujjayi breathing for a while , you will see how your posture linked to the spine will have improved. This is because, to do it, the back must be aligned. Therefore, you will take this as a habit. Lower back pain may be reduced.

The metabolic benefit

Finally, you have to know that ujjayi breath has the ability to enhance metabolic activity. Why? Well, because breathing with better and deeper technique favors a greater exchange of gases.

Gases include oxygen, vital for cellular metabolism processes. Without this substrate, several of the internal enzymatic reactions could not take place.

How is ujjayi breathing practiced?

To master the art of ujjayi breathing you need to sit cross-legged (in the lotus pose), placing your hands on your knees and trying to keep your back straight.

Remember that it is a relaxation technique, so you have to do it in a quiet space, without interruptions for a considerable period of time. Then do the following:

  1. Close your eyes, inhale and exhale deeply to release all tension.
  2. Contract your glottis by placing your tongue at the back of your mouth. You will continue to maintain the same deep breathing rhythm that you have done until now.
  3. When your glottis is contracted you will begin to hear a noise that comes from the throat and not from the nose.
  4. You should try to keep the glottis, tongue and throat the same when inhaling. The stomach and pelvic base should be contracted.

One thing you have to know is that, in the ujjayi technique , the most important thing is to master full diaphragmatic breathing. The idea is that you manage to expel all the air from the lungs when you exhale and that you do not do it from the nose. The contraction of the glottis is also a relevant point, as it will help you to specify an internal state of meditation.

Ujjayi breathing technique.

Practice to improve

The ujjayi breathing should be practiced for about 5-10 minutes daily. If you wish, you can complete 4 or 5 cycles of the same duration, but when you reach 1 minute for each one.

At first it may seem difficult, but the idea is that you maintain your level of concentration and you will see how little by little you will master this art. Do not forget to control the breathing with the diaphragm and try that, both the inhalations and exhalations, are of the established time duration.

Some studies, such as the one published in the Journal Of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2017, claim that yoga breathing techniques have shown good results in patients with depression. So step into the world of the meditative state and discover all its positive aspects.

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