What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Gum?

A gum may seem harmless. However, this is not entirely true. Of course, in the end it all depends on how often we use this treat and our personal hygiene habits. It is not about creating alarms but about being aware of what happens when you eat this food.

Many times we turn to these products to relieve stress, alleviate hunger or simply, out of habit. When it comes to eating or, rather, chewing gum, its sweet taste and flexible consistency can generate a certain addiction. Therefore, we will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of including it in your daily routine.

A chewing gum, is it good or bad?

A chewing gum does not have to be harmful if we brush our teeth after having chewed it. With good oral hygiene, it doesn’t have to become a grievance. For many people, chewing gum helps them relax, distract themselves, and fight stress. It can also be a method to reduce cravings that occur in the afternoon. Let’s review it in detail:

Advantages of chewing gum

1. Optimal concentration

Did you know what the ingredients of chewing gum are

Chewing gum acts on the cortisol levels present in saliva. This hormone is responsible for producing stress, which is reduced by approximately 16%. And by reducing stress, the mind relaxes and has a greater capacity for concentration.

2. Less appetite

Chewing gum helps trick the stomach into avoiding constant eating. Chewing it helps to generate a feeling of satiety, as stated in an article published in the journal “Physiology & Behavior”.

3. Goodbye to heartburn

bubble gum

Chewing gum  increases saliva production. In this way, both solid and liquid foods pass more easily through the esophagus. This helps neutralize the acids that move through there. Those flavored with mint, spearmint, or eucalyptus are especially recommended, as fruit flavors can be unpleasant and trigger stomach pain.

Disadvantages of chewing gum

1. Excess sugar means more weight

Like any other candy, a chewing gum is made from refined sugar, additives and other chemical components. This makes it a very unhealthy treat that, when chewed frequently, can increase bingeing on foods with low nutritional intake and in exaggerated amounts.

Remember that sugar is a nutrient that, in large amounts, contributes to increasing the risk of developing diseases, according to an article published in the journal “Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases.” For this reason, we recommend that you always consume them in their sugar-free version.

2. Beware of aspartame!

Know the ingredients of chewing gum

Aspartame is one of the sweeteners used in the production of “healthy” gum, without sugar. This ingredient contains a substance known as phenylalanine, which is harmful to all those who suffer from phenylketonuria, an inherited disease that affects the brain.

3. Dangerous laxative

A sugar-free gum contains sorbitol, a laxative that, if ingested in excess, causes chronic diarrhea and stomach pain. Jurgen Bauditz, a German gastroenterologist, recommends that you consume only five grams of sorbitol a week, at most, per day.

4. Causes jaw pain

Woman eating chewing gum

Proper jaw closure can be disturbed by chewing gum with great force. This is possible because it can cause wear in the mandibular temporos (the joints that work when you open and close your mouth).

5. Caries, tartar and others

The sugar contained in a gum will remain impregnated on the teeth, which contributes to the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth and the occurrence of cavities, tartar, among other oral discomforts. For this reason, dentists do not recommend chewing them. And in case it is done, you have to brush your teeth immediately after you have thrown it away.

6. Contains by-products derived from sheep

A gum contains lanolin, a substance derived from the wool of sheep. It is waxy and is responsible for keeping the gum soft. Although it has not been considered harmful to health, it has not been proven otherwise.

Consume gum in moderation

Do not forget that chewing gum also has its positive side when we know how to take advantage of its advantages. The important thing, as all nutritionists say, is not to chew it excessively and be aware of how it can harm us without taking the necessary measures. Remember, in the end, it is you who decides how to proceed.

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