What Is The Best Milk For Children After The Year?

After the first year of life, it is convenient to know how to choose the best milk for children. Erring in this choice can lead to an increased risk of developing diseases in the baby, especially those of a metabolic or autoimmune type.

It is clear that breast milk is the best food for children. However, from the year on, their energy demands are higher as to feed themselves solely and exclusively through this route.

For this reason, it is necessary to choose a quality product that meets your nutritional needs. What to take into account when choosing milk? We will detail it in the following space.

The milk for children must have few added sugars

The problem with many baby milk is its sugar content. These nutrients are capable of worsening the metabolic health of the baby, which increases the risk of developing diseases in the medium and long term.

Research carried out by the European Society of Pediatrics has concluded that it is essential to reduce the intake of simple sugars in children to prevent metabolic problems, such as diabetes.

Thus, not paying attention to the amount of added sugars that milk has for children could have dire consequences for their health. The use of this type of product is even linked to alterations in the lipid profile.

The milk for children must have few added sugars

The importance of omega 3s in children’s milk

You have probably already heard the benefits of including omega 3 in your regular diet. It is a fatty acid that has an anti-inflammatory character. Its regular intake contributes, among other things, to reducing cardiovascular risk, as shown in a study published in the journal Pharmacology & Therapeutics.

In addition, these lipids are of special importance in the development of the child. Frequent exposure to these nutrients in the early stages is capable of reducing the incidence of autoimmune-type processes.

In this regard, an investigation carried out in 2017 was able to link a regular intake of omega 3 fatty acids during the early stages of life with a lower risk of developing asthma.

Therefore, when choosing a milk for children after their first year of life, it is important to make sure that the product purchased contains these fatty acids in its composition.

A milk with Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem at the population level. A study carried out in a population of 97 pregnant women and 90 babies concluded that the levels of this micronutrient were usually below the recommended.

A low supply of vitamin D can affect bone health in adulthood, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. This condition is common in postmenopausal women and poses a risk to their health and well-being.

In addition, low levels of this vitamin are associated with deficiencies in the level of muscle strength, and with an increased risk of developing complex diseases.

Vitamin D is a difficult nutrient to obtain through diet; the best way to guarantee its synthesis is through sun exposure. To minimize the risk of deficit, it is advisable to choose children’s milk that contains significant doses of this micronutrient.

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Choosing the best milk for children after the first year is not an easy task

As you have seen, there are 3 parameters that you have to set yourself to choose the best milk for your child’s development. Other aspects could be taken into account, such as the confidence that the brand offers to develop the product, as well as the presence of chemical additives in the milk.

It is essential to look at the labeling to choose the best option. Neglecting this information can lead to the choice of a low quality milk, or with a high contribution of simple sugars.

The fact that children, even in the developmental stage, consume large amounts of substances that are not recommended, increases the probability that they will suffer complex diseases during adulthood. It is necessary to take care of the diet from birth. 

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