What Is The Contribution Of Legumes To The Diet?

Legumes are a type of vegetable, specifically the seeds or fruits of plants. Among the most common and consumed are beans, soybeans, lentils and chickpeas . For a long time it was thought that it was advisable to limit legumes in the diet because they made  gain weight .

However, this is false. The only thing you should consider is that your carbohydrate intake is high so you should watch the amounts. Thus, you will not have any weight problem. Take the recommended amount for your weight and height. Also, take into account your physical activity.

1. Legumes in the diet provide high amounts of vegetable protein

The first reason to add legumes to the diet is that they contain high amounts of vegetable protein. Protein is vital for cell development and the creation of muscle mass in the body, as stated in a study published in Nutrients . In case you are trying the vegetarian diet, either for taste or health reasons, adding protein can be difficult. To overcome this difficulty, add more legumes.


This vegetable protein intake is also important if you are looking to speed up your metabolism to lose weight. The reason is that high protein diets increase the body’s ability to oxidize fat after eating . This is stated by a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition .

2. The activity of the intestine will be more regular

Do you have problems eliminating toxins and maintaining a correct intestinal transit? The best way to speed up the cleansing of the intestines is by consuming the correct amounts of dietary fiber. In that sense, you should know that when you include legumes in the diet, you get this type of fiber. For example, a cup of lentils cooked they provide 16 grams of fiber.

This will help you stay at your ideal weight or reach it faster when you are trying to lose pounds. Remember that sometimes, these extra kilos are not really accumulated fat but remains of food that have not been used by the body or eliminated.

3. You will feel satisfied with less food

In addition to losing kilos by improving intestinal transit, adding legumes to your diet will make you feel full for several hours without having to eat more than necessary. This is an effect derived from the fiber that they contain.  If you’ve already tried to lose pounds, you’ve probably tried foods like whole grains and seeds (like chia). An equally simple and inexpensive option is to include a serving of legumes.

Those who eat beans on a regular basis have been shown to have a much lower risk of developing obesity and being overweight . A study which followed nearly 1,500 participants for eight years yielded these results.

4. Cholesterol levels are lowered and cardiovascular health improves

Another benefit of adding legumes to the diet is that by consuming them on a regular basis, LDL cholesterol  levels are reduced . This is the one that causes damage to the heart and is related to obesity and all the problems that derive from this condition.

However, you must remember that the simple consumption of these foods is not enough to keep you healthy. To ensure health, it is important that you include a daily sports session and a proper diet. In this way, you will keep your blood pressure, inflammation and triglyceride levels stable. If you are already having problems with cardiovascular health, it is important that you attend a specialist and follow their recommendations.

5. You will stabilize glucose levels

Are you dealing with blood glucose problems? Have you been diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes? These are very common problems caused by today’s lifestyle, which often includes processed foods and too much sugar.

However, you should know that including natural and healthy foods such as legumes is a good alternative to control these levels. This is because the glycemic and sugar index of legumes is low Just remember to watch the amounts you consume. Although they provide few sugars or are high in carbohydrates . For this reason, when you eat legumes you should make sure you are getting enough physical activity.

Consume legumes to improve your health

The ideal time to consume legumes is during the morning or afternoon. Try to avoid them at night as it is the time when you have less physical activity.  What are your favorite legumes? No matter which ones you like the most, remember that it is vital to consume them as natural as possible. Avoid canned and processed options and opt for healthy preparations where these foods are the stars of the plate. Remember that increasing the consumption of these products will help improve health.

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